Please ventilate your opinions on anything that's on-topic with quake2 movie-making. Here are the various discussion points that Meist0r posted to get it started.
And here are some more:another thread wrote:- recamming
- effects
- speed / slow motion
- soundtrack / sound effects / art of syncing
- quality / compression rate / file size
- duration
- what is more important 4 u - content or editing or something else
- what is a must be, what do u especially want?
- What program/s do you use?
- What format do you use?
Personally I'd like to say that a short movie with spectacular/odd frags and/or events in it is much better than a long one with just a huge amount of fillers. And I'm talking short as in say five minutes here.
If by any reason the mods should find this thread superfluous please feel free to delete it, but if so, re-open the old thread.