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mmorpg's! some-one playing?

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 5:50 am
by Den

i recently started playing mmorpgs coz i got bored of normal games and i was wondering: does any1 else here play mmorpgs?

Guild Wars
I started playing guild wars yesterday, some1 at my work was talking about it all the time, so i finally gave it a go. Few things i like about Guild Wars is that there is no monthly fee and the gfx look amazing.

Theres an open beta every weekend so download the client and have a go!
There will be four types of missions: Solo, Co-operative team, regular PvP, and Guild vs Guild.

All mission maps will be instanced, so groups will not have to worry about waiting for respawns or worry about other players coming in and stealing their thunder.

During creation, characters choose a Profession, which comes with three free Skills, and may be allowed to 'multi-class' into a second Profession later.

In addition to the three free Skills, each new character starts with a re-usable Healing Kit and a Ressurection Kit that can only be used once per mission.

Characters earn 5 Improvement Points per level, which are used to increase the character's Attributes (passive bonuses that enhance their abilities).

Refund points, which are earned over time from questing, remove 1 level from an Attribute and refund you the Bonus Points you spent to get it.

Skills are obtained from profession-specific Trainers in the public towns.

Each character, regardless of level, will be able to buy any Skill of his/her Professions, as long as the character has enough gold and a skill point. The first skill bought costs 1 gold, with each successive skill purchased costing 1 gold more than the previous.

Each player may take only 8 Skills into a mission, and they cannot be changed after the mission begins.

Players will be able to meet up in Towns to buy equipment and Skills, or in Outposts to initiate missions.

Traveling in the Guild Wars world, from Outpost to Outpost and from Town to Outpost (or vice versa), is done instantly by opening up the World Map and selecting which Town or Outpost you want to go to.

Party size on any single mission will be limited, but the limit is currently unknown.

Combat is real-time and fast paced, but there is ample time to use your Skills.

The controls in Guild Wars are very flexible, allowing you to use the mouse (point-n-click), or the keyboard, or any combination of the two.

Game content will be streamed to the user in the background when needed, meaning if ArenaNet changes something in Mission X, you won't have to download the new content until the next time you play that mission.

There will be no monthly fee anywhere in the world.

Expansions will be sold every 6 to 9 months, but you will never be required to buy them to keep playing Guild Wars.

I also tried l2 :) its kinda same as gw but doesnt have the mission thing and not the nice gfx :P
The world of Lineage II is established with three kingdoms at its center which encompass the two large continents. Aden, the new kingdom was established after Raoul, the young king successfully quenched a civil war. Elmore, the military superpower, is located in the northern part of the continent. It boasts that it is a direct descendent of ancient
Elmore Aden kingdom. Gracia is located across the ocean on the west. It is currently embroiled in a chaotic battle among blood relatives trying to take over the throne. While these kingdoms buffer each other's power, within each kingdom since each manor has strong desire for self-rule. Therefore the kingdoms are vulnerable to the potential of internal strife as well.

You have been thrown into this chaos. However, unlike those weak ordinary people who pass each day by praying, you have the power to protect yourself. In Lineage II, developing a character is not an end by itself. Rather, it is used as an instrument to obtain the power you need to fulfill your will in his world. Become a king and rule over this world. Your own hand will write your own history in this world.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 6:11 am
by Jazzie
I tried it out last weekend, can't say that I loved it, but it was more enjoyable than regular mmorpgs.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 7:21 am
by Den
Well its weird at first, doesnt feel like a mmorpg. More like a mission based rpg thing. Like Diablo. Coz u need a party before entering a mission. There will be four types of missions: Solo, Co-operative team, regular PvP, and Guild vs Guild.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 12:33 pm
by Sovnig

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 12:50 pm
by impressiVe
i played PlanetSide and Neocron.. will play WoW or MatrixOnline :)

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 1:13 pm
by Den
wow is nice yeh :) still deciding between wow or guildwars

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 4:06 pm
by impressiVe
try PlanetSide :) its really good!

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 4:32 pm
by Scythrone
I tried Guild Wars last friday night. Then I suddenly timewarped to Sunday evening. It is not a good thing to play something that addictive. Now I just have to get the full version when it comes. Damn it. This is a warning, kids - you can still save yourselves!

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 5:33 pm
by Nozaki
that is noted down!

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 6:21 pm
by n99
/me chuckles.
I'm happy my own pc isn't connected to the internet so I can't do anything else than hang around the forum and play some aq2. Upstairs it's SP only, and reading this thread almost makes me go and get a router, but I won't.


Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 9:09 am
by Ischmael
Guildwars surely doesnt look like a great game, well, its still only beta.

but to compare GuildWars with WoW? =p

That's like comparing aq2 with cs

WoW is for those who love the world of warcraft, if you loved warcraft 1-3 im sure you'll love WoW.

Perhaps i should add, that the world of Guildwars is more or less like DaoC

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 9:42 am
by Ralle
Im going to play Everquest 2, when its released in a couple days. I have played Everquest 1 since 1999, and a lot of those people i have been playing with during that time will change also.
I have considered WoW also, but i decided to play EQ2, mainly because of 2 reasons. The first reason is that i believe EQ2 will have alot more content, since its a game that has had many years to develop into the state it is in now. While many of the other mmorpg have had to start from scratch, EQ2 will be able to draw from the vast experience with EQ1, and learn from the strengths, and the mistakes they have learned with that game.
The second reason is that you wont get max level in EQ2 as fast as in WoW. I have heard of WoW beta players with more than 3 lvl 50 characters during beta, while noone came close to hitting max level with a single character in EQ2. For the casual gamer WoW might be the right choice, but for players that dont want to hit the endgame during the first couple of months of play EQ2 seem a more right choice to me.

Some screenshots from EQ2 can be found here :

Or a video from within the game:

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 11:20 am
by n99
Most of these games require some kind of subscribtion, amirite? Can you list me the prices, so I can draw a comparison on that aspect as well?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 11:38 am
by Den
Yeh most mmorpg's recuire monthly fee. Made a list with most popular.

Guild Wars
Retail Price: $49.99
Monthly Fee: Free

EverQuest II
Retail Price: $49.99
Monthly Fee: $14.99

Word of Warcraft
Retail Price: +-/ $49.99
Monthly Fee: +/- $14.99

Star Wars Galaxies
Retail Price: $29.99
Monthly Fee: $14.99

EVE Online
Retail Price: $19.95
Monthly Fee: $14.95

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 12:47 pm
by Nozaki
not much doubt what I would choose if I had time to sit and play much...