AQ2 play problems

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AQ2 play problems

Post by IcedBacon »

Hi yall. I only came on the gaming scene with CS 1.5, so I missed out on Quake. Now I'm away from home for four months and all I have is a 700 mhz laptop with not enough ram. Sucks to be me.

Recently though I discovered Quake, and now I'm hungering for some online play. Since AQ2 seems to be still fairly strong, I would love to give it a go.

My problem is thus; After installing the AQ2 standalone v2 and 2.1 patch, when I go to start an mp game it starts fine, runs fine.. but there are no new models or powerups, only the origional Quake2 weapons and powerups. Also, it doesn't seem to like my autoexec.cfg.. despite it being the vanilla fron the install. Am I missing something really obvious in the install procedure or what?
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Post by IcedBacon »

Nevermind, fixed it.
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