Theremin? Moog? W. Carlos? Svankmajer? Lynch? G. von Hagens? R. Mueck? R. Crumb? H. Pekar? Krazy Kat? J. Jarmusch? Wicca? Magik? Chaos? yelworC? Paganism? EBM?
Maybe I ring a bell. Caracol at #aq2world in that case.
A few untouched topics...
Moderator: Moderators
A few untouched topics...
Ne quid nimis.
EBM as in electric body music ?
whine...<br />
"på kvällarna förvandlas den spenslige solidas till....... STÅL-TIRRE!" - minch<br />
"i hoped i cud get a chance in iN when i saw even solidas cud do it " - Snigge/2fast4j00<br />
"iN minus sajh would be a nice clan and way better, but i would never ever stand playing with such an annoying player, lucky me that i didnt get a try in iN" - Romo
" it seems he is a "rich" mans child with to much attitude, he's like the man version of Paris Hilton... such a jerk" - Romo
"på kvällarna förvandlas den spenslige solidas till....... STÅL-TIRRE!" - minch<br />
"i hoped i cud get a chance in iN when i saw even solidas cud do it " - Snigge/2fast4j00<br />
"iN minus sajh would be a nice clan and way better, but i would never ever stand playing with such an annoying player, lucky me that i didnt get a try in iN" - Romo
" it seems he is a "rich" mans child with to much attitude, he's like the man version of Paris Hilton... such a jerk" - Romo