Viagra > Twz

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Viagra > Twz

Post by astroman »

Im so tired on all cheaters and I think this is so obvious that viagra is using a cheater. First my clan played vs viagra on simplicity and that was a realy weird cw. Twz was shooting like never before and we all agreed that he had some kind of cheat.

Remember this Twz and Jolla is sitting on lan.

Two days after, me(lilleman),laggizz and skm decided to record him and then maybe we could bust him. We recorded him and it was pretty fun actually to see him play. If u want to take a look at it :

After this I talked to twz and I asked if he had wh? stupid question but I just wanted to see how he would react. Ofc he said no :

<[ice]lilleman> what were you doing at rok ?
<[ice]lilleman> really..
<Twz> what ?
<Twz> rok, well yea i think i played there

Later on when he relaised that he was in trouble jolla and twz started to make up something realy funny :

(This is translated to english from swedish)

<Twz> Jolla`afk, when have you played against extacy?
<Jolla`afk> maybe 2 hours ago
<Jolla`afk> maybe more
<Twz> ok
<Twz> Who faked me ?
<Jolla`afk> dunno, dont even know who eH' was either, was just be vrgl and 2 other :)
<Jolla`afk> couple from mBd^ i would guess :-)
<Twz> cp'n
They are sitting on lan like I said and I think they are trying to fake this when they are whriting it on main channel.

I have some more proof that it was twz playing like :

<Twz> !cw 3 off
<vRGL> !cw 3 off
<z0rbot02> Message was sent to 60 channels!
<Twz> .aq2 3on3
<vRGL> :o
<Twz> .m add 3 off
Why the hell would he add a cw if he wasn't gonna play it??

Ok If this isn't Twz, aleast viagra used a player who cheated and I thinks that pretty lame.

Updated: I saw some guys in aget talk about twz and they called him "frillan" IRL and on the server it is one guy who says "frillan unlocka".
I asked a guy in aget and asked if they are calling Twz "frillan" IRL :

<[ice]lilleman> Are u calling Twz for "frillan" IRL?
<Slw-> yes
Last edited by astroman on Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:32 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by W1lco »

The game community in their town ( Gällivare ) is really large, Jolla have been parteh around last days, gettin drunk etc. the reason why i said this, is that maybe, the guys, were gathered , to get drunk & play aq2, the user at twz didnt mind if he was nicked twz at mirc? but anyway, why would this guy cheat anyway? kinda proofed at the demo, seems like these guys are those who doesnt care of anything whats happending, blablalbal.. ya know what i mean ^^, get the ip, ban it, how hard can it be? xD.. and were back again! Watch out, its the care police!.. another look-from-demo-and-ban-case. I dont know what to think, im getting sick'n tired of this, we should make sum new system for the ppl who stil belive in this game, like the one Angra was talking about.. The cheatfree counterstrike server, everyone makes up a deal, the ones who cheats, have to pay a fee of ~50euro, and get WELL ACTIVE admins ( msg me if ya guys intrested ;) ). im off to bed, laters O_o
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Post by Ralle »

Shame on you Viagra. Another reason not to play this fucked up clan.

No matter if its Twz or not, they are (once more) letting cheaters play for them. I mean every sane person can see he is using wh after just a little speccing. So Viagra must have known too for sure.

So either it is twz cheating, which alot of facts seems to indicate : He added the cw, he knows jolla and is in lan with him. He cant tell who else it should be.

If it is not, then why cant any Viagra help clean Twz name telling the public who it really was. After all Jolla is in lan with Twz, so he should have known it was a faker, if it wasnt the real one.

I hope the admins locate the ips, so the last Viagra excuses can be ruled out. Clans like these are killing the small remains of the aq2 scene.
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Post by Da^JuaN »

Im getting tired of all the accusing, seems like we have more "cheat"demos/topics than days in 2006 O_o

Edit: @Ralle; the #aq2admins site is currently down, ive no clue.. since it was up this evening, so ive not been able to check for any ip or nicks belonging to certain ip's yet. I havent checked the demo either though.
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Post by Da^JuaN »

Just watched it.. and quit it after 2.5 round, actually after round 1 it was so obvious already. I did watch it with wh enabled and aiming for rocks and walls where enemies where hiding behind and where he couldnt see that they were behind there. Not even trying to hide hes using wh.
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Post by Prinsii »

yeah, it is WH, but FREDRICK (twz) wouldnt do this? NOW WOULD HE ? O_o
atleast he didnt use any hax in dip, there he played sucky :bday:
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Post by Alien »

Yes, even in first round... wh.

Since this guy cant even hear the footsteps, in round2 one guy went down and could come up from the big "ladder", but he couldnt hear a shit.

How this can be true that it's all about jolla, vrgl and ppl? Kinda strange... :D
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Post by IBA »

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Post by SheMale »

Alien wrote:
How this can be true that it's all about jolla, vrgl and ppl? Kinda strange...

i dont get it?
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Post by Caracol »

Who does...


PS: Was funny the round where he was up in the sniper spot and an M4 was below him and he just couldn't get a free shot. I bet he wanted a through-wall hack there.
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Post by Rulf »

I just love this song dudes!

Shame shame shame shame shame shame shame SHAME ON U!
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Post by Kurupt »

All I know is that he arranged the cw;
(22:28:45) (@fuppet`) .aq2 4on4 now
(22:28:45) (AQ2_10) mnet: Message sent to 901 users in 66 channels.
(22:29:20) (Twz) fuppet`, if you dont get a 4on4, lets play 3v3 against viagra then ? :)

Gave us the ip for the 2nd map;
(22:57:27) (Twz)

And said gg on IRC afterwards.
(23:22:07) (Twz) gg

(00:38:35) —› quit: (Twz) ( (Registered)
(00:38:35) —› join: (Twz) (
Last edited by Kurupt on Fri Jan 06, 2006 9:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by vader »

I like this song :
My humps, my lovely lady lumps, check it out.

and i like her humps to
also i like ketchup
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Post by skmz »

It sure looks like it's Twz' moves. Atleast this guy at the demo used wh, that's for sure. But if it was Twz or not, that's still a question. Still, this is pretty fucked up for the clan #viagra at the moment, since they actually admitted that they had atleast 2 fakers during the clanwar. That's what I would call fucked.

Yeah, okay.. Well, bed.
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Post by SheMale »

fuppet told us to get fejks :<
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