often, chaseing other ppl, i see that while running theyr m4 or pistol bullets trajectory is much more... well.. "accurate" then mine. while running!!! i mean that bullets remain more stick to crosshair...
obviously im talking of m4+kevlar eh!
now a funny thing to entertain you:
[LOL]mm somone can tell me why on damain i got 100 ping in the ladder screen and netgraph tells me 225 (more accurate, imo)? respect to italians isp [/LOL]
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Last edited by BeAViS on Thu Mar 02, 2006 8:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Killing today in old fashioned way -
- Beware of Beavers -
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- Beware of Beavers -
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sv_calcpings_method 2 mabye?
Code: Select all
sv_calcpings_method [0/1/2]
Change how pings are calculated:
0: Disable reporting of pings completely.
1: Standard Q2 method (averaging).
2: New R1Q2 method, best case minimum. Results in pings much closer to what external programs such as server browsers report and is influenced much less by the client's packet rate.
}i{ angra - #clan.illusion
Total minutes of aq2
2005: 20 716
2006: 10 405
Total minutes of aq2
2005: 20 716
2006: 10 405