The big CFG Post

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something dur dur
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The big CFG Post

Post by Den »

post ur cfgs here :D

mine is still a bit messy but it works :P cba to clean it


Code: Select all

//Den's cfg


//Player settings

set skin "female/athena"

set name "quad.den"

set hand "0"

set crosshair "2"

set gender "female"

set g_select_empty "0"

//Mouse, keyboard and joystick settings

set freelook "1"

set in_mouse "1"

set in_joystick "0"

set sensitivity "8"

set v_kickpitch "0.0"			

set v_kickroll "0.0"			

set v_kicktime "0.0"

set lookstrafe "1"

set lookspring "1"

set cl_run "1"

set m_pitch "-0.022000"

set m_filter "1"

set m_xpfix "1"

set m_xp "1"

//Network and Internet settings

set adr1 "" // tpp	

set adr2 "" // cows

set adr3 "" // deerdance		

set adr4 ""	// quad	 	

set adr5 "" 

set adr6 ""	// jolt	

set adr7 ""	// schaf

set adr8 "" // DA main

set adr9 ""


set allow_download "1"

set allow_download_players "1"

set allow_download_models "1"

set allow_download_sounds "1"

set allow_download_maps "1"

set rate "8000"

set cl_timeout "120"

//Standard use

bind 0 "use Combat Knife"

bind 1 "use Mark 23 Pistol; use A 2nd Pistol"

bind 2 "use Handcannon; use M3 Super 90 Assault Shotgun"

bind 3 "use M4 Assault Rifle"

bind 4 "use MP5/10 Submachinegun"

bind 5 "use Sniper Rifle"

bind ~ "toggleconsole"  

bind PAUSE "pause"      

bind TAB "cmd help"  

bind F1 "inven"

bind [ "invprev"  

bind ] "invnext"   

bind ENTER "invuse"    

bind t "messagemode"     

bind f "messagemode2"  

//Action Quake2 cmd's

bind i "bandage"

bind k "opendoor"    

bind o "wave 2; drop weapon"    

bind q "drop item"    

bind a "use throwing Combat Knife; use combat knife"

bind s "use M26 Fragmentation Grenade"

bind u "punch"    

//Movement and attack

bind MOUSE1 "+attack"

bind MOUSE2 "reload"

bind MWHEELUP "weapon"

bind MWHEELDOWN "weapon"

bind y "+forward"                              

bind h "+back"                                 

bind j "+moveright"                            

bind g "+moveleft"                             

bind m "+movedown"                            

bind space "+moveup" 

//Sniper Rifle sens

alias sniper "sensitivity 4; echo 2x - sniper sensitivity; bind r 1x" 

alias 1x "sensitivity 8; echo 1x - normal sensitivity; bind r sniper" 

bind r sniper 

//misc cmd's

set skydistance "9000"

set scr_clock "1"

set cl_drawping "0"

set cl_drawfps "0"

set cl_drawrate "0"

set pw "fluffy" u

set msg "1"

set cl_drawlocs "0"

cl_draw_y "0.80"

cl_draw_x "0.0.1"

gl_contrans "0.7"

//Sound settings

set s_wavonly "1" 

set s_volume "0.7"

set s_khz "22"

set s_loadas8bit "0"

set s_mixahead "0.2"

set s_primary "1"

set cd_nocd "1"	

set cl_stereo_separation "0.4"

// visuals for maps

alias h_sky "sky darkgray"

alias h_highmod "gl_modulate 5"

alias h_picmip "gl_picmip 2"

alias h_stdmap "alias h_vidgamma vid_gamma 0.6; alias h_lowmod gl_modulate 1.0; alias h_int intensity 2.0; alias h_map echo STDMAP settings loaded"

alias h_urban3 "alias h_vidgamma vid_gamma 0.6; alias h_lowmod gl_modulate 0.5; alias h_int intensity 2.0; alias h_map echo URBAN3 settings loaded"


bind home "h_vidgamma; wait; h_picmip; wait; h_lowmod; wait; h_int; wait; vid_restart"

bind end "h_highmod; wait; h_sky; wait; h_map"

//Video settings

set sw_mode "0"

set sw_allow_modex "1"

set gl_3dlabs_broken "1"

set gl_swapinterval "1"

set gl_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"

set gl_ext_pointparameters "1"

set gl_ext_multitexture "1"

set gl_ext_swapinterval "1"

set gl_ext_palettedtexture "0"

set gl_vertex_arrays "1"

set gl_texturesolidmode "default"

set gl_texturealphamode "default"

set gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"

set gl_shadows "1"

set gl_modulate "5"

set gl_picmip "2"

set gl_flashblend "1"

set intensity "2"

set gl_playermip "7.7"

set gl_skymip "10"

set vid_ref "ncgl"

set gl_particle_att_c "0.01"

set gl_particle_att_b "0.0"

set gl_particle_att_a "0.01"

set gl_particle_size "40"

set gl_particle_max_size "40"

set gl_particle_min_size "2"

set gl_vertex_arrays "1"

set gl_texturesolidmode "default"

set gl_texturealphamode "default"

set gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"

set gl_shadows "1"

set gl_flashblend "1"

set gl_polyblend "0"

set gl_finish "0"

set gl_mode "3"

set gl_driver "opengl32"

set gl_dynamic "1"

set gl_ztrick "0"

set vid_xpos "3"

set vid_ypos "22"

set vid_gamma "0.6"

set sw_stipplealpha "0"

set fov "90"

set win_noalttab "0"

set vid_fullscreen "1"

set viewsize "100"

set cl_maxfps "85" 

set sv_reconnect_limit "3"

// sky changer

alias sky1 "sky darkgray; alias NextSky sky2"

alias sky2 "sky bluesky; alias NextSky sky3"

alias sky3 "sky black; alias NextSky sky1"

alias NextSky "sky1"

bind z NextSky

//Execute a config

exec teamradio.cfg

exec svolume.cfg


Code: Select all

// Sound Volume

bind pgup vup

bind pgdn vdn

alias vup volume_1

alias vdn volume_0

alias volume_0 "play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0 ;set vu 1 ;set vd w ; alias vup volume_1; alias vdn volume_0;echo VOL |---------- 0"

alias volume_1 "play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.1 ;set vu 2 ;set vd 0 ; alias vup volume_2; alias vdn volume_0;echo VOL -|--------- 1"

alias volume_2 "play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.2 ;set vu 3 ;set vd 1 ; alias vup volume_3; alias vdn volume_1;echo VOL --|-------- 2"

alias volume_3 "play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.3 ;set vu 4 ;set vd 2 ; alias vup volume_4; alias vdn volume_2;echo VOL ---|------- 3"

alias volume_4 "play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.4 ;set vu 5 ;set vd 3 ; alias vup volume_5; alias vdn volume_3;echo VOL ----|------ 4"

alias volume_5 "play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.5 ;set vu 6 ;set vd 4 ; alias vup volume_6; alias vdn volume_4;echo VOL -----|----- 5"

alias volume_6 "play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.6 ;set vu 7 ;set vd 5 ; alias vup volume_7; alias vdn volume_5;echo VOL ------|---- 6"

alias volume_7 "play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.7 ;set vu 8 ;set vd 6 ; alias vup volume_8; alias vdn volume_6;echo VOL -------|--- 7"

alias volume_8 "play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.8 ;set vu 9 ;set vd 7 ; alias vup volume_9; alias vdn volume_7;echo VOL --------|-- 8"

alias volume_9 "play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.9 ;set vu 10 ;set vd 8 ; alias vup volume_10;alias vdn volume_8;echo VOL ---------|- 9"

alias volume_10 "play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 1 ;set vu w ;set vd 9 ; alias vup volume_10;alias vdn volume_9;echo VOL ----------| 10"

Last edited by Den on Wed Dec 17, 2003 7:43 am, edited 5 times in total.
There's a chopper coming in 3 days and there's a katana on top of the cafe and that's all you need to know
Posts: 1750
Joined: Sun Jul 27, 2003 7:38 am
Location: en

Post by Clown »

Code: Select all


set skin "male/resdog"

set sensitivity 2

alias re reconnect

//gender settings

alias male "gender male; wait; radiogender male; wait; echo gender male; bind f8 female"

alias female "gender female; wait; radiogender female; wait; echo gender female; bind f8 male"

bind f8 male

//vid settings

set skydistance 10000

set rate 10000

set cl_maxfps 60

set cl_predict 1

set gl_modulate 1

set hand 2

//radio commands

bind KP_SLASH "tenfour"

bind KP_HOME "enemyspotted"

bind KP_UPARROW "takingfire"

bind KP_PGUP "imhit"

bind KP_LEFTARROW "enemydown"

bind KP_5 "teammatedown"

bind kp_RIGHTARROW "go"

bind KP_END "teamreportin"

bind KP_DOWNARROW "reportingin"

bind KP_PGDN "back"

alias tenfour "radio 10; wait; radio 4"

alias enemyspotted "radio enemys;wave 4; say_team I saw one ( %S )"

alias takingfire "radio taking_f;wave 0; say_team Need backup ( %L )"

alias imhit "radio im_hit;wave 0; say_team Shit! I'm hit! ( %L )"

alias enemydown "radio enemyd; say_team I killed %K"

alias teammatedown "radio teamdown; say_team teammate down!"

alias go "radio go; say_team Let's GO!"

alias teamreportin "radio treport;wave 1; say_team Guys...?"

alias reportingin "radio reportin;wave 1; say_team I'm still here ( %L )"

alias back "radio back;wave 1; say_team Stay BACK!"


bind UPARROW "+forward"

bind DOWNARROW "+back"

bind LEFTARROW "+moveleft"

bind RIGHTARROW "+moveright"


bind PGDN "opendoor"

bind KP_INS "bandage"

bind BACKSPACE "drop weapon;use throwing combat knife;wave 3"

bind * "drop item"

bind CTRL "weapon"

bind SHIFT "reload"

bind DEL "lens out"

bind END "lens in"

bind k "messagemode"

bind l "messagemode2"


bind mouse1 "+attack"

bind mouse2 "+moveup"

bind mouse3 "crouch"

alias crouch +crouch 

alias +crouch "alias crouch -crouch;+movedown;echo AutoCrouch On" 

alias -crouch "alias crouch +crouch;-movedown;echo AutoCrouch Off"


bind mwheeldown "use M3 Super 90 Assault Shotgun; use MP5/10 Submachinegun; use Handcannon; use Sniper Rifle; use M4 Assault Rifle"

bind 1 "use Blaster"

bind 2 "use A 2nd Pistol"

bind 3 "use Combat Knife"

//Standard use

bind ~ "toggleconsole"

bind ` "toggleconsole"

bind TAB "inven"

bind [ "invprev"

bind ] "invnext"

bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"

bind F1 "cmd help"

bind F12 "screenshot"

bind ENTER "invuse"

bind F2 graph_on

alias graph_on "set netgraph 1;set cl_shownet 1;echo Graph ON...;wait;bind F2 graph_off"

alias graph_off "set netgraph 0;set cl_shownet 0;echo Graph OFF...;wait;bind F2 graph_on"

//demo recording

alias demstop1 "stop; echo Current Demo Stopped;wait;wait;wait;demstop2"

alias demstop2 "echo Press 'o' again to start next demo in sequence"

alias dem1 "echo Starting Demo1; record demo_01; alias next_demo dem2"

alias dem2 "echo Starting Demo2; record demo_02; alias next_demo dem3"

alias dem3 "echo Starting Demo3; record demo_03; alias next_demo dem4"

alias dem4 "echo Starting Demo4; record demo_04; alias next_demo dem5"

alias dem5 "echo Starting Demo5; record demo_05; alias next_demo dem6"

alias dem6 "echo Starting Demo6; record demo_06; alias next_demo dem7"

alias dem7 "echo Starting Demo7; record demo_07; alias next_demo dem8"

alias dem8 "echo Starting Demo8; record demo_08; alias next_demo dem9"

alias dem9 "echo Starting Demo9; record demo_09; alias next_demo dem0"

alias dem0 "echo Starting Demo10; record demo_10; alias next_demo demempty1"

alias demempty1 "echo You have exhausted this session's queue!;wait;wait;wait;wait; demempty2"

alias demempty2 "echo You must exit and archive existing demos before recording more"

alias next_demo dem1

bind f5 "demstop1"

bind f6 next_demo

bind f12 "screenshotjpeg"

// sky script

alias sky1 "sky drksky; alias NextSky sky2"

alias sky2 "sky actcity3_; alias NextSky sky3"

alias sky3 "sky space1; alias NextSky sky4"

alias sky4 "sky snow; alias NextSky sky5"

alias sky5 "sky hk; alias NextSky sky6"

alias sky6 "sky nburb; alias NextSky sky7"

alias sky7 "sky stars; alias NextSky sky8"

alias sky8 "sky bluesky; alias NextSky sky9"

alias sky9 "sky neon; alias NextSky sky10"

alias sky10 "sky industry; alias NextSky sky11"

alias sky11 "sky happy; alias NextSky sky1"

alias NextSky "sky1"

bind f11 NextSky


//              MODEM SETTINGS


//dunno what this is

set gl_ext_palettedtexture "0"

//high performance settings.

set gl_cull "1"

set gl_round_down "0"

set gl_skymip "1"

set cd_nocd "1"

set cl_footsteps "1"

set gl_picmip "0.0"

set cd_nocd 1

//sound settings

set s_mixahead 0.2

//change back to 0 if sound sounds garbled

set s_primary 1

//just do it :)

set m_filter 1

//voodoo2s opengl i think only

set gl_triplebuffer "1"

set gl_ext_swapinterval "1"

set gl_swapinterval "1"

//turns off some effects like railgun and rocket trail. useful for fps boost but not as nice. normal q2. 

//default is 1.

set cl_particles 1

//turns off lighting effects. big fps boost. default 1

set gl_dynamic 1

//turns off blast lighting effects from guns. default 1. 1 is good since lets u no where enemy is.

set cl_lights 1

//default is 0. turns off shadows. keep off for better fps.

set gl_shadows 1

//do this. default 0

set gl_playermip 0

//turn off if bad effects occur. default 0.

set gl_ztrick 0

gl_flashblend 1

//stops screen changing colour when u r hit. i find it much easier to play without. default 1

set gl_polyblend 1

I don't give a shit.
Posts: 873
Joined: Fri Jul 25, 2003 9:08 am
Location: nl

Post by Kurupt »

Code: Select all


set name ".c0w. Kurupt"

set hand "2"

set sensitivity "0.85"

set gl_modulate "3"

set intensity "2"

set crosshair "1"

set cl_maxfps "90"

set rate "25000"

set vidgamma "0.5"

set gl_shadows "1"

set gl_polyblend "0"

set gl_mode "4"

set gl_clear "0"

set gl_flashblend "0"

set crosshair "1"

set win_noalttab "0"

set m_xp "0"


bind s "+moveleft"

bind f "+moveright"

bind e "+forward"

bind d "+back"

bind mouse2 "+moveup"

bind a "+movedown"

bind space "opendoor"

bind b "bandage"

bind r "reload"

bind mouse1 "+attack"

bind ctrl "weapon"

bind q "use special; set hand 2" 

bind g "use throwing Combat Knife; set hand 0"

bind ] "invnext; set hand 2"

bind [ "invprev; set hand 2"

bind mwheelup "weapnext; set hand 2"

bind mwheeldown	"weapprev; set hand 2"

bind F12 "screenshot"

bind k "score"

bind tab "inven"

bind v "drop item"

bind w "drop weapon"

bind enter "invuse"

bind o "sky black" //black sky

bind m "messagemode"

bind t "messagemode2"

bind del "wave 3"

bind - "say_team %D on %P"

bind h "say :>"


bind z "weapon" //zoom in

bind x "lens 1" //reset


skydistance "9000"


set cl_drawchathud "0"

set cl_drawtime "2"

set cl_drawfps "1"

set cl_drawrate "1"

set cl_drawping "1"

set gl_contrans "0.5"

//address book

set adr0 "" //pelitutka1

set adr1 "" //pelitutka2

set adr2 "" //boomtown public1

set adr3 "" //boomtown public2

set adr4 "" //simnet no-ff

set adr5 "" // c0w server

set adr6 "" //edome

set adr7 "" //da

//walk and run

alias wr_01 "set cl_run 0; set wr 02; echo Walking"

alias wr_02 "set cl_run 1; set wr 01; echo Running"

wr_02 //default

bind shift "wr_$wr" //run walk


bind f2 "radio enemys;say_team i see dead people" //enemy spotted

bind f4 "radio go;say_team go" //go

bind f5 "radio cover;say_team cover me" //cover me

bind f7 "radio im_hit;say_team omg they shot me" //im hit

bind f8 "radio teamdown;say_team teammate (prolly termy) down" //teammate down

bind f9 "radio reportin;say_team ya" //reporting in

bind f10 "radio treport;say_team am i alone again?" //team report in

bind kp_downarrow "radio back;say_team back" //back

bind kp_uparrow "radio forward;say_team forward" //forward

bind uparrow "radio up;say_team up" //up

bind downarrow "radio down;say_team down" //down

bind rightarrow "radio right; say_team right" //right

bind leftarrow "radio left;say_team left" //left

bind p "radio 10;radio 4;say_team aight" //ok

bind i "radio 9; say_team negative" //not ok

bind n "radio enemyd;say_team fish go m00! %K" //enemy down

bind l "voice muu1.wav" //cow sound

Posts: 152
Joined: Wed Aug 27, 2003 4:38 pm
Location: fi

Post by pauhi »

//----------> Pauhi =A='s cfg file <----------\\

//----------> Unbind and Skin <----------\\


skin male/resdog

//----------> Personal Settings <----------\\

set name "pauhi =A="

set hostname "#Armageddon"

set crosshair "1"

set hand "3"

set cl_gun "0" s

set cl_drawfps "1" s

set skydistance "6000"

set cl_clock "2" s

set cl_clockx "8" s

set cl_clocky "840" s

set cl_clan "=A=" s

set cl_timestamps "1" s

set cl_fps "2" s

set cl_fpsy "830" s

set cl_fpsx "0" s

set cl_chathud "1" s

set cl_chathudx "8" s

set cl_chathudy "795" s

set cl_chathudgreen "1" s

set cl_autoscreenshot "1" s

set cl_netgraphmode "3" s

set gl_screenshot_quality "100"

set ignorecantfindpic "1"

set m_filter "0"

set gl_replacetga "1"

set gl_replacepcx "1"

set gl_replacewal "1"

set cl_maptime "1"

set cl_maptimey "780"

set cl_maptimex "10"

set gl_shadows "1"

set gl_waterwaves "4"

set gl_particle "1"

set gl_fontshadow "0"

//----------> Movement keys <----------\\

bind w "+forward"

bind s "+back"

bind a "+moveleft"

bind d "+moveright"

bind c "+movedown"

bind space "+moveup"

//----------> Sound settings <----------\\

set s_wavonly "0"

set cd_nocd "1"

set cl_stereo_separation "0.4" s

set s_khz "22"

set s_primary "0" 

set s_mixahead ".14"

//----------> Mouse <----------\\

set freelook "1"

set lookspring "0"

set lookstrafe "0"

set m_filter "1"

set m_forward "0"

set m_pitch "-0.022"

set m_side "0"

set m_yaw "0.022"

set sensitivity "4"

set m_look "0"

bind mouse2 "reload"

bind mouse1 "+attack;crosshair 3"

bind mouse3 "use throwing combat knife"

bind mouse4 "say *flap* *flap* *flap*"

//----------> Netplay <----------\\

set cl_predict "1" s

set sv_reconnect_limit "3"

set msg "1"

set rate "20000"

set cl_maxfps "60" s

//----------> ActionQuake2 commands <----------\\

bind e "opendoor"

bind f "bandage"

bind v "drop weapon;use throwing combat knife"

bind b "drop item"

bind mouse2 "reload"

//----------> Other stuff <----------\\

bind f1 "score"

bind tab "inven"

bind enter "invuse"

bind [ "invprev"

bind ] "invnext"

bind ~ "toggleconsole"

bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"

bind ctrl "weapon"

bind h "say_team - [%P] hit to [%D] with [%W] -"

bind t "messagemode"

bind y "messagemode2"

bind k "exec np.cfg"

bind l "team 2;captain;teamname Armageddon;ready"

bind z "sensitivity 3"

bind x "sensitivity 6"

bind j "radioteam 1;radio left;say_team [ 1 enemy left! ]"

bind n ":>"

bind m ":<"

bind f3 "choose Sniper Rifle;choose Kevlar Vest;say_team [ SSG & KEVLAR ]"

bind f4 "choose M4 Assault Rifle;choose Lasersight;say_team [ M4 & LASER ]"

bind f5 "choose M4 Assault Rifle;choose Kevlar Vest;say_team [ M4 & KEVLAR ]"

bind f6 "sky bluesky;crosshair 3"

bind f7 "sky neon;crosshair 3"

bind f8 "sky stars;crosshair 3"

bind f9 "exec eDome.cfg"

bind f10 "exec pelitutka.cfg"

bind f11 "exec netello.cfg"

bind F12 "screenshot; echo screenshot captured"

alias stat "rcon status"

bind i "spin"

alias "spin" "set cl_yawspeed 2000;wave 3; +left; bind i unspin"

alias "unspin" "wave 2; -left; set cl_yawspeed $yaw; bind i spin"

//----------> Netgraph <----------\\

alias graph_on "set netgraph 1;echo Graph ON...;wait;bind F2 graph_off"

alias graph_off "set netgraph 0;echo Graph OFF...;wait;bind F2 graph_on"

bind F2 "graph_on"

//----------> Graphics <----------\\

set intensity "2.0"

set gl_modulate "3.0"

set vid_fullscreen "1"

set gl_mode "7"

set gl_shadows "0"

set gl_polyblend "0"

//----------> Download Options <----------\\

set allow_download_maps "0"

set allow_download_sounds "0"

set allow_download_models "0"

set allow_download_players "0"

set allow_download "0"

//----------> Weapons <----------\\

bind q "use M3 Super 90 Assault Shotgun; use MP5/10 Submachinegun; use Handcannon; use Sniper Rifle; use M4 Assault Rifle"

bind "MWHEELUP" "weapnext"

bind "MWHEELDOWN" "weapprev"

//----------> Radiomessages <----------\\

bind 1 "radio im_hit;say_team [ i'm hit - %H hp left ]"

bind 2 "radio taking_f;say_team [ holy jesus! what are these goddamn animals? i'm @ %S ]"

bind 3 "radio enemyd;say_team [ one pauhi to rule them all - %K ]"

bind 4 "radioteam right;say_team [ 10-4 ]"

bind 5 "radio 9;say_team [ negative ]"

bind 6 "radio cover;say_team [ peita minut ]"

bind 7 "radio enemys;say_team [ from my head to my toe, yo ready set GO - %S ]"

bind 8 "radio teamdown;say_team [ i see dead teamm8 @ %S ]"

bind 9 "radio treport;say_team [ yo? ]"

bind 0 "radio reportin;say_team [ i'm a popstar threat and i'm not dead yet ]"


bind kp_end "say_team [ 1 ];radioteam 1"

bind kp_downarrow "say_team [ 2 ];radioteam 2"

bind kp_pgdn "say_team [ 3 ];radioteam 3"

bind kp_leftarrow "say_team [ 4 ];radioteam 4"

bind kp_5 "say_team [ 5 ];radioteam 5"

bind kp_rightarrow "say_team [ 6 ];radioteam 6"

bind kp_home "say_team [ 7 ];radioteam 7"

bind kp_uparrow "say_team [ 8 ];radioteam 8"

bind kp_pgup "say_team [ 9 ];radioteam 9"

bind uparrow "say_team [ forward ]; radioteam forward"

bind downarrow "say_team [ back ]; radioteam back"

bind rightarrow "say_team [ up ]; radioteam up"

bind leftarrow "say_team [ down ]; radioteam down"

//----------> Connections <----------\\

alias ateam1 "connect"

alias ateam2 "connect"

alias ateam3 "connect"

alias ateam4 "connect"

alias ateam5 "connect"

alias edomea "connect"

alias edomeb "connect"

alias 3team "connect;27910"

alias clan1 "connect"

alias clan2 "connect"

alias clan3 "connect"

alias clan4 "connect"

alias eclan1 "connect"

alias eclan2 "connect"

alias eclan3 "connect"

alias eclan4 "connect"

alias tutka "connect"

alias tutka1 "connect"

alias tutka2 "connect"

alias tnx "connect"

alias tnx2 "connect"

›› pauhi ››
Spill the blood of the fucking lamb
feels some chest pain
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Joined: Sun Aug 17, 2003 10:35 am
In-game Name: iN Flunx
Location: Trondheim
Location: no

Post by Flunx »

is connecting
Posts: 17
Joined: Wed Jul 30, 2003 6:55 am
Location: w_

Post by Meteo »

woo here is my leet one

Code: Select all

//Created by Meteo

set cl_gun "1"

set cl_particles "1"

set gl_dynamic "1"

set gl_shadows "0"

set gl_ext_palettedtexture "0"

set gl_ztrick "0"

set gl_flashblend "0"

set gl_polyblend "1"

set in_joystick "0"

set gl_cull "0"

set gl_round_down "0"

set gl_skymip "0"

set s_mixahead ".14"

set s_primary "1"

set s_khz "11"

set s_loadas8bit "1"

set cd_nocd "1"

set cl_footsteps "0"

set rate "25000"

set cl_maxfps "90"

set gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"

set intensity "2.0"

set gl_modulate "3"

set gl_playermip "0.0"

set gl_picmip "0.0"

set skydistance "10000"

set vid_ref ncgl

set v_kickpitch "1"		// This will make your view stay steady, even when hit

set v_kickroll "1"			// Same as above

set v_kicktime "1"			// Same as above

set m_pitch "0.022"		   	// Enables better mouse aiming

set m_filter "1"			// Makes sure mouse aiming isn't filtered

// Player Settings

set name "meteo"

set skin "sas/grunt"

set gender "female"

set radiogender "female"

set hand "2"

set sensitivity "7"

// Movement Commands

bind w "+forward"

bind x "+back"

bind a "+moveleft"

bind d "+moveright"

bind mouse1 "+attack"

bind mouse2 "+moveup"

bind q "+movedown"

set cl_run "0"



// Menu Commands

bind enter "invuse"

bind [ "invprev"

bind ] "invnext"

bind tab "inven"

// Weapon Commands

bind 2 "use MK23 Pistol;hisen;set crosshair 1"

bind 4 "use Dual MK23 Pistols;hisen"

bind 1 "use MP5/10 Submachinegun;use M3 Super 90 Assault Shotgun;use Handcannon;use M4 Assault Rifle;use Sniper Rifle;hisen"

bind 3 "use Combat Knife;hisen"

bind s "use M26 Fragmentation Grenade;hisen"

// Action Commands

bind f12 "exec autoexec.cfg"

bind f11 "sky stars"

bind f10 bind mouse2 +moveup ";" punch

bind f9  "name mETEO"

bind f1 +lefty

alias +lefty "radio enemys;say_team %T Enemy sited - LEFT"

alias -lefty "radio left"

bind f2 +righty

alias +righty "radio enemys;say_team %T Enemy sited - RIGHT"

alias -righty "radio right"

bind f3 +upy

alias +upy "radio enemys;say_team %T Enemy sited - UP"

alias -upy "radio up" 

bind f4 +downy

alias +downy "radio enemys;say_team %T Enemy sited - DOWN"

alias -downy "radio down"

bind f5 +tenfour

alias +tenfour "radio 10;say_team ROGER!"

alias -tenfour "radio 4"

bind f6 "help"

bind f7 "help"

unbind alt

bind i "irvision"

bind c "opendoor"

bind r "reload"

bind f "bandage;wait;bandage;wait;bandage"

bind e "weapon"

bind t "drop weapon"

bind y "drop item"

bind m "%ME > %K ; radio enemyd"

bind g "say_team %ME > bandaging ; radio cover"

bind n "say_team %ME > report in ; radio treport"

bind b "say_team %ME > reloading ; radio cover"

bind j "screenshot"

bind space "sensitivity 1"

//alias +sensitive "set sensitivity 2"

//alias -sensitive "set sensitivity 15"

//bind ctrl "+sensitive;set crosshair 0"

bind leftarrow "sensitivity 3"

bind rightarrow "sensitivity 4"

bind downarrow "say =]"

bind uparrow ""

// Waves and taunts

bind INS "wave 0"

bind HOME "wave 1"

bind PGUP "wave 2"

bind DEL "wave 3"

bind END "wave 4"

bind PGDN "wave"

// This setup will allow you to zoom both in and out with the sniper

// rifle.  Also, the mouse sensitivity is adjusted to allow for better

// aim.  Change the values as you see fit (especially the 10, which is

// the sensitivity for the normal view).

alias in1x "alias in in2x; alias out out2x;set sensitivity 7;use Sniper Rifle"

alias in2x "weapon; set sensitivity 6; alias in in4x; alias out out1x"

alias in4x "weapon; set sensitivity 3; alias in in6x; alias out out2x"

alias in6x "weapon; set sensitivity 1; alias in in1x; alias out out4x"

alias in "in1x"

alias out1x "weapon; weapon; weapon; set sensitivity 7; alias in in2x; alias out out2x"

alias out2x "weapon; weapon; weapon; set sensitivity 6; alias in in4x; alias out out1x"

alias out4x "weapon; weapon; weapon; set sensitivity 3; alias in in6x; alias out out2x"

alias out6x "weapon; weapon; weapon; set sensitivity 1; alias in in1x; alias out out4x"

alias out "out6x"

bind CTRL "in; set crosshair 1"  // zoom in from 1x-2x-4x-6x-1x

bind SHIFT "out;set crosshair 1" // zoom out from 1x-6x-4x-2x-1x

//alias for my mouse sensitivity, yours can be different

alias hisen "sensitivity 7"  //normal sensitivity

//sounds messing

bind p "voice killme.wav"

bind o "voice clint.wav"

bind \ "voice iknow.wav"

bind v "voice l1.wav"

exec radio.cfg

loses a vital chest organ
Posts: 513
Joined: Sun Jul 27, 2003 5:59 am
Location: se

Post by arild »

Code: Select all


name "[M.I]Arild"

skin sas/sas

//video parameters

vid_gamma 0.54

vid_ref ncgl

cel_shading 1


set s_wavonly "0"

set cd_nocd "1"

set cl_stereo_separation "0.4"

set s_khz "22"

set s_primary "0" 

set s_mixahead ".14"

set in_mouse "1"

set in_joystick "0"


set freelook "1"

set lookspring "0"

set lookstrafe "0"

set m_filter "0"

set m_forward "0"

set m_pitch "0.022"

set m_side "0"

set m_yaw "0.022"

set sensitivity "3"


set cl_predict "1"

set sv_reconnect_limit "3"

set rate 20000

set cl_maxfps 60

alias graph_on "set netgraph 1;set cl_shownet 1;echo Graph ON...;wait;bind F2 graph_off"

alias graph_off "set netgraph 0;set cl_shownet 0;echo Graph OFF...;wait;bind F2 graph_on"

bind F2 graph_on

bind t "messagemode"

bind g "messagemode2"

//Standard use

bind ~ "toggleconsole"

bind ` "toggleconsole"

bind TAB "inven"

bind [ "invprev"

bind ] "invnext"

bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"

bind F1 "cmd help"

bind F12 "screenshot"

bind ENTER "invuse"


bind a "+moveleft"

bind c "+movedown"

bind d "+moveright"

bind s "+back"

bind mouse2 "+forward"

bind SPACE "+moveup"

bind c "+movedown"

bind ctrl "weapnext"

bind shift "weapprev"

set hand 0


bind INS "wave 0"

bind HOME "wave 1"

bind PGUP "wave 2"

bind DEL "wave 3"

bind END "wave 4"

//Action Quake commands


bind mouse1 "+attack"

//sniper rifle

alias sniper "weapon;sensitivity 4;echo 2x: sensitivity 3;bind  4x;bind  quick1a"

alias 4x "weapon;sensitivity 3;echo 4x sensitivity 3;bind  6x;bind  quick1b"

alias 6x "weapon;sensitivity 3;echo 6x: sensitivity 3;bind  1x;bind  quick1c"

alias 1x "weapon;sensitivity 3;echo 1x: sensitivity 3;bind  sniper;bind  quick1d"

bind y sniper

//Zoom out to 1x fast

alias reset1x "sensitivity 3;bind  sniper;bind  quick1d;echo Quickly zooming to 1x"

alias quick1a "weapon;weapon;weapon;reset1x"

alias quick1b "weapon;wait;wait;weapon;reset1x"

alias quick1c "weapon;reset1x"

alias quick1d "echo already at 1xzoom"

bind alt quick1a

bind f "drop item"

bind q "reload"

bind e "opendoor"

bind r "drop weapon"

bind z weapon

gl_modulate 3

bind h "say :))"

bind j say_team :))

bind i timerefresh

bind l say "*FLAP* *FLAP* *FLAP*"

bind n say_team "I shot %P in %D"

exec kalas.cfg

//Claim aliases

alias takee1 exec edome1.cfg

alias takee2 exec edome2.cfg

alias takee3 exec edome3.cfg

alias takee4 exec edome4.cfg

alias p1 exec playtrix1.cfg

alias p2 exec playtrix2.cfg

//Server aliases

alias tnxp connect

alias tnxc1 connect

alias tnxc2 connect

alias eclan1 connect

alias eclan2 connect

alias eclan3 connect

alias eclan4 connect

alias edome1 connect

alias fjong connect

//Weapon&Item Seletion

alias mp5k "choose MP5/10 Submachinegun; choose kevlar vest; say_team [Mp5] & [Kevlar]"

alias mp5l "choose MP5/10 Submachinegun; choose lasersight; say_team [Mp5] & [Laser]"

alias mp5sli "choose MP5/10 Submachinegun; choose stealth slippers; say_team [Mp5] & [Slippers]"

alias mp5sil "choose MP5/10 Submachinegun; choose silencer; say_team [Mp5] & [Silencer]"

alias mp5b "choose MP5/10 Submachinegun; choose bandolier; say_team [Mp5] & [Bandolier]"

alias m3k "choose M3 Super 90 Assault Shotgun; choose kevlar vest; say_team [M3] & [Kevlar]"

alias m3l "choose M3 Super 90 Assault Shotgun; choose lasersight; say_team  [M3] & [Laser]"

alias m3sli "choose M3 Super 90 Assault Shotgun; choose stealth slippers; say_team [M3] & [Slippers]"

alias m3sil "choose M3 Super 90 Assault Shotgun; choose silencer; say_team  [M3] & Item: [Silencer]"

alias m3b "choose M3 Super 90 Assault Shotgun; choose bandolier; say_team [M3] & [Bandolier]"

alias hck "choose handcannon; choose kevlar vest; say_team [Handcannon] & [Kevlar]"

alias hcl "choose handcannon; choose lasersight; say_team [Handcannon] & [Laser]"

alias hcsli "choose handcannon; choose stealth slippers; say_team [Handcannon] & [Slippers]"

alias hcsil "choose handcannon; choose silencer; say_team [Handcannon] & [Silencer]"

alias hcb "choose handcannon; choose bandolier; say_team [Handcannon] & [Bandolier]"

alias ssgk "choose sniper rifle; choose kevlar vest; say_team [Sniper rifle] & [Kevlar]"

alias ssgl "choose sniper rifle; choose lasersight; say_team [Sniper rifle] & [Laser]" 

alias ssgsli "choose sniper rifle; choose stealth slippers; say_team [Sniper rifle] & [Slippers]"

alias ssgsil "choose sniper rifle; choose silencer; say_team [Sniper rifle] & [Silencer]"

alias ssgb "choose sniper rifle; choose bandolier; say_team [Sniper rifle] & [Bandolier]"

alias m4k "choose M4 Assault Rifle; choose kevlar vest;say_team [M4] & [Kevlar]"

alias m4l "choose M4 Assault Rifle; choose lasersight;say_team [M4] & [Laser]"

alias m4sli "choose M4 Assault Rifle; choose stealth slippers;say_team [M4] & [Slippers]"

alias m4sil "choose M4 Assault Rifle; choose silencer;say_team [M4] & [Silencer]"

alias m4b "choose M4 Assault Rifle; choose bandolier;say_team [M4] & [Bandolier]"

alias knk "choose Combat Knife; choose kevlar vest; say_team [Knives] & [Kevlar]"

alias knl "choose Combat Knife; choose lasersight; say_team [Knives] & [Laser]"

alias knsli "choose Combat Knife; choose stealth slippers; say_team [Knives] & [Slippers]"

alias knsil "choose Combat Knife; choose silencer; say_team [Knives] & [Silencer]"

alias knb "choose Combat Knife; choose bandolier; say_team [Knives] & [Bandolier]"

alias akk "choose Dual MK23 Pistols; choose kevlar vest;say_team [Akimbo] & [Kevlar]"

alias akl "choose Dual MK23 Pistols; choose lasersight;say_team [Akimbo] & [Laser]"

alias aksli "choose Dual MK23 Pistols; choose stealth slippers;say_team [Akimbo] & [Slippers]"

alias aksil "choose Dual MK23 Pistols; choose silence;say_team [Akimbo] & [Silencer]"

alias akb "choose Dual MK23 Pistols; choose bandolier;say_team [Akimbo] & [Bandolier]"
needs some Pepto Bismol
Posts: 730
Joined: Tue Jul 29, 2003 5:41 am
Location: si

Post by Stric »

Code: Select all




echo -------------------

echo For help press F3

echo -------------------

echo RCON help F2

echo -------------------



// alias sniper "weapon;sensitivity 4;echo 2x: sensetivity 4;bind mouse2 1x;"

// alias 4x "weapon;sensitivity 2;echo 4x sensetivity 2;bind mouse2 6x;"

// alias 6x "weapon;sensitivity 1;echo 6x: sensetivity 1;bind mouse2 1x;"

// alias 1x "weapon;sensitivity 8;echo 1x: sensetivity 8;bind mouse2 sniper;"

// bind mouse2 sniper


//******  WINAMP STUFF   *****\\


alias waplay "winampplay"

alias wastop "winampstop"

alias wanext "winampnext"

alias waprev "winamprev"

alias wapause "winamppause"

alias wasinfo "winampsonginfo"


//****** IMPORTANT STUFF *****\\



set gl_replacewal "1"

set gl_replacepcx "1"

set gl_fogend 2500

set gl_fog 0

set logfile 1

set gl_ztrick 1

set gl_dynamic ""

set gl_hudtrans 0.7

set cl_netgraphmode 3

set logfile "1"

set gl_polyblend "0"

set cl_gun "1"

set timedemo "0"

set cl_maxfps "90"

set gl_screenshots_jpeg_quality 100

set cl_fps "3"

set cl_fpsx "25"

set cl_fpsy "455"

set cl_clock "7"

set cl_clockx "10"

set cl_clocky "465"

set cl_maptime "5"

set cl_maptimex "80"

set cl_maptimey "460"

set skydistance "5000"

set cl_enableloc "1"

set cl_chathud "1"

set cl_chathudy "380"

set cl_chathudlines "3"

set ch_pulse "8"

set con_notifyfade "1"

set gl_waterwaves "4"

set gl_motionblur "0,2"

set gl_particle "1"

set gl_fontshadow "1"

set ignorecantfindpic "1"

set scr_conheight  "0.45"

set cl_highlightnames "2"

set cl_highlightcolor  "4"

radiogender female


set r "rcon"

set sy "rcon say"

set cmd "rcon sv stuffcmd"

set s "rcon status"

set k "rcon kick"

set cmdall "rcon sv stuffcmd all"

set sfm "rcon sv softmap"


set freelook 1.000

set m_filter 1

set m_pitch 0.02

set m_yaw 0.02

set m_forward 0

set m_side 0

set sn "9"

set s2x "4"

set c1 "3"

set c2 "2"


set cl "-attack;set cl_gun 0"

set n1 "^TargY^" 

set n2 "^sImA^"

set n3 "^stric^"

set n4 "nWo|sImA"

set n5 "Uncle.Knight"


//******** ALIAS STUFF *******\\


//weapon and item selections

alias	c_ssg		"choose Sniper Rifle"

alias	c_mp5		"choose mp5/10 submachinegun"

alias	c_m3		"choose shotgun"

alias	c_m4		"choose m4 assault rifle"

alias	c_hc		"choose handcannon"

alias	c_knives	"choose combat knife"

alias	c_akimbo	"choose dual mk23 pistols"

alias	c_kevlar	"choose kevlar vest"

alias	c_slippers	"choose stealth slippers"

alias	c_silencer	"choose silencer"

alias	c_bandolier	"choose bandolier"

alias	c_lasersight	"choose lasersight"

//Apr TGT

alias targy "exec targy.tgt"

alias statsmode "stats list;stats;w10;w10;w10;exec stats.cfg"


alias aqliwest "disconnect;connect"

alias aqsiol "disconnect;connect"

alias aqgolar "disconnect;connect"

alias aqdeer "disconnect;connect"

alias aqda "disconnect;connect"

alias aqpick "disconnect;connect;password  thep4ss"

//srot -cc 

alias w "wait"

alias w2 "wait;wait"

alias w5 "w2;w2;w"

alias w10 "w5;w5"


alias phun1 "rcon sv stuffcmd $ident +attack;bind p phun2;echo [STREL]"

alias phun2 "rcon sv stuffcmd $ident -attack;bind p phun1;echo [NIC]"

bind p phun1


alias rcs "rcon_address;rcon_password ***" 


alias voj1 "exec tgtvojsi.tgt;bind f voj2"

alias voj2 "exec apr-stric.tgt;bind f voj1"

bind f voj1


alias sp "set c1 1;set c2 1; set c3 1;crosshair $c1;sensitivity $sn;set s2x 9;echo <-> SPREJ MODE <->;bind mouse2 sprejmode;bind ALT sp1"

alias sp1 "set c1 3;set c2 2;set sn 9;set s2x 4;echo <-> NORMAL MODE <->;L0;bind ALT sp"

alias sprejmode "echo [ SPREJ MODE ]"


alias +akcija "bind 1 rploc;bind 2 rpin;bind 3 rpenmy"

alias -akcija "bind 1 noz;bind 2 pistolj;bind 3 speweap"

alias noz     "L0;wait;wait;use throwing combat knife;use mark 23 pistol"

alias pistolj "L0;use Dual MK23 Pistols;use mark 23 pistol"

alias speweap "L0;use M3 Super 90 Assault Shotgun; use MP5/10 Submachinegun; use Handcannon; use Sniper Rifle; use M4 Assault Rifle"

alias rploc   "radioteam reportin;wave 2;say_team => LoCaTiOn >> %L >> %S *"

alias rpin    "radioteam treport;wave 2;say_team => StAtUs >> %H >> %L *"

alias rpenmy  "radioteam enemys;wave 2;say_team => StAtUs >> %E >> %S"


alias orozje1 "choose sniper rifle;choose kevlar vest;bind home orozje2;"

alias orozje2 "choose sniper rifle;choose silencer;bind home orozje3"

alias orozje3 "choose MP5/10 Submachinegun;choose lasersight;bind home orozje4"

alias orozje4 "choose MP5/10 Submachinegun;choose silnecer;bind home orozje5"

alias orozje5 "choose M4 Assault Rifle;choose lasersight;bind home orozje1"

bind home orozje1


alias boli1 "say aw!;bind i boli2"

alias boli2 "say awc!;bind i boli3"

alias boli3 "say aua!!;bind i boli4"

alias boli4 "say Aw bav bav!;bind i boli1"

bind i boli1


alias +net1 "netgraph 1"

alias -net1 "netgraph 0"

bind F9 "+net1"


alias np1 "say_team It`s ql dude! :);bind F8 np2"

alias np2 "say_team Mal pazi :));bind F8 np3"

alias np3 "say_team np np np!;bind F8 np4"

alias np4 "say_team Hihi my mistake! :P;bind F8 np1"

bind F8 np1


alias teamm1 "say_team Sorry dude :);bind F7 teamm2"

alias teamm2 "say_team Sorcy! My mistake!;bind F7 teamm3"

alias teamm3 "say_team Sorry res... :( ;bind F7 teamm4"

alias teamm4 "say_team Ma shit no!...Forgive me! :) ;bind F7 teamm1"

bind F7 teamm1


alias cross1 "crosshair 1;echo Cross 1;bind z cross2"

alias cross2 "crosshair 2;echo Cross 2;bind z cross3"

alias cross3 "crosshair 3;echo Cross 3;bind z cross1"

bind z cross1


alias relo1 "reload;reload;reload;bind r relo2"

alias relo2 "reload;reload;reload;reload;reload;reload;bind r relo1"

bind r relo1


alias legs1 "cl_maxfps 13;echo < Vkljuceno >;bind v legs2"

alias legs2 "cl_maxfps 80;echo < Izkljuceno >;bind v legs1"

bind v legs1


alias modul1 "gl_modulate 20;echo <20>;bind del modul2"

alias modul2 "gl_modulate 0.4;echo <0.4>;bind del modul3"

alias modul3 "gl_modulate 0.8;echo <0.8>;bind del modul4"

alias modul4 "gl_modulate 1.2;echo <1.2>;bind del modul5"

alias modul5 "gl_modulate 1.6;echo <1.6>;bind del modul6"

alias modul6 "gl_modulate 2;echo <2>;bind del modul7"

alias modul7 "gl_modulate 5;echo <5>;bind del modul8"

alias modul8 "gl_modulate 7;echo <7>;bind del modul9"

alias modul9 "gl_modulate 10;echo <10>;bind del modul1"

bind del modul1


//Simple TNG snipe cfg!

alias sp "set c1 1;set c2 1; set c3 1;crosshair $c1;sensitivity $sn;set s2x 9;echo <-> SPREJ MODE <->;bind mouse2 sprejmode;bind ALT sp1"

alias sp1 "set c1 3;set c2 2;set sn 9;set s2x 4;echo <-> NORMAL MODE <->;L0;bind ALT sp"

alias sprejmode "echo [ SPREJ MODE ]"


//******** BIND STUFF ********\\


bind TAB "+akcija"

bind SHIFT "exec apr-stric.tgt;echo [ Execing your *.cfg ];+akcija"

bind ENTER "invuse"

bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"

bind SPACE "+moveup"

bind ' "inven"

bind + "sizeup"

bind - ":P"

bind 0 ":]"

bind 4 "L0;say_team I dropped %W;drop weapon;set cl_gun 1;use throwing Combat Knife;+attack"

bind 5 "L0;say_team I dropped %I;drop item"

bind 6 "[:)"

bind 7 ":*"

bind 8 ":("

bind 9 ":))"

bind = "=)"

bind [ "invprev"

bind ] "invnext"

bind ` "toggleconsole"

bind a "+moveleft"

bind b "$cl"

bind c "wait;bandage;w5;bandage;w5;bandage;w10;w10;bandage;radioteam im_hit;radioteam cover;say_team >> %H << =)"

bind d "+moveright"

bind e "weapon"

bind f  "voj1"

bind g "use M26 Fragmentation Grenade;say_team Greeeeeeenadeeeee!!!!! :)"

bind h "voj1"

bind i "boli1"

bind j "statsmode"

bind k "radioteam enemyd;wave 2;say_team [ %K ]"

bind l "radioteam enemyd;wave 2;say_team [ %K with %D shot ]"

bind m "radioteam reportin;wave 1;say_team [ %H -> %L ]"

bind n "exec t.cfg"

bind o "menu"

bind p "phun1"

bind r "relo1"

bind q "+back;opendoor"

bind x "score"

bind s "+back"

bind t "messagemode"

bind u "messagemode2"

bind w "+forward"

bind y "messagemode2"

bind ~ "toggleconsole"

bind BACKSPACE "invdrop"

bind F1 "vid_restart"

bind F2 "exec tgtmenu1.tgt;bind f2 rhlp"

bind F3 "exec tgtmenu2.tgt;bind f3 hlp"

bind F4 "sky space1"

bind F5 "team 1"

bind F6 "team 2"

bind f7 "teamm1"

bind F8 "np1"

bind F9 "+net1"

bind F10 "screenshotjpg"

bind F11 "disconnect"

bind F12 "quit"

bind INS "+klook"

bind MOUSE1 "+attack;cl"

bind MOUSE2 "L2"

bind MOUSE3 "radioteam enemyd;say"

bind PAUSE "pause"

bind ALT "sp"

bind CTRL "+movedown"

bind pgdn "set gl_modulate 1"

bind kp_rightarrow "radioteam enemyd;wave 2;say_team =);voice hehe3.wav"

bind kp_pgdn "radioteam reportin;wave 1;say_team >> %H =)"

bind end "radioteam right;say_team >> Kapiram!!"

bind kp_end "radioteam back;wave 4;say_team >> bAcK!!"

bind kp_leftarrow "radioteam go;radioteam go;say_team >> Go! Go in! "

bind kp_downarrow "radioteam im_hit;radioteam cover;wave 0;say_team >> Cover mE! %T !"

bind kp_pgup "radioteam go;say_team >> Stuparama %T !! HITR =)"

bind uparrow "radioteam up; say_team  [ UP! ]"

bind downarrow "radioteam down;say_team [ Down! ]"

bind leftarrow "radioteam left; say_team [ Left! ]"

bind rightarrow "radioteam right ;say_team [ Right! ]"

bind ins "radioteam teamdown;radioteam reportin;say_team  >> m8! :("

bind home "orozje1" 
Last edited by Stric on Mon Sep 01, 2003 8:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 1750
Joined: Sun Jul 27, 2003 7:38 am
Location: en

Post by Clown »

So good you had to say it twice!

That or you have a stutter :o
I don't give a shit.
needs some Pepto Bismol
Posts: 730
Joined: Tue Jul 29, 2003 5:41 am
Location: si

Post by Stric »

mah, stupid IE ... :wink:
as long as it's salty..
Posts: 661
Joined: Sun Jul 27, 2003 5:44 am
Location: nl

Post by Repsaj »

Code: Select all

// generated by the Butler, do not modify


// menu and stuff

bind f1		"score"

bind ~ 		"toggleconsole"

bind TAB 	"inven"

bind ENTER 	"invuse"

bind ESCAPE 	"togglemenu"

bind [ 		"invprev"

bind ] 		"invnext"

// movement

bind w		"+forward"

bind s		"+back"

bind a 		"+moveleft"

bind d 		"+moveright"

bind MOUSE2 	"+moveup"

bind SPACE	"+movedown"

// items and weapons

bind q		"use special; wave 3"

bind MWHEELUP 	"weapnext; wave 3"

bind MWHEELDOWN	"weapprev;wave 3"

bind g 		"use grenades;wave 3"

bind MOUSE1 	"+attack"

bind c		"reload;wave 3"

bind z		"drop weapon;use throwing combat knife; sniperes;wave 3"

bind b		"drop item;wave 3"

bind n 		"drop item;drop weapon;wave 3"

bind t 		"messagemode2"

bind f		"wave 3;bandage;wait;wait;wait;bandage;wait;wait;wait;bandage"

bind e		"opendoor;wave 3"

bind r		"sniper2x"

alias sniper2x	"weapon;sensitivity 2;bind r sniper4x;echo 2x!;wave 3"

alias sniper4X	"weapon;sensitivity 1;bind r sniper6x;echo 4x!;wave 3"

alias sniper6x	"weapon;sensitivity 1;bind r sniper0x;echo 6x!;wave 3"

alias sniper0x	"weapon;sensitivity 5;bind r sniper2x;echo Not zoomed!;wave 3"

bind v		"sniperes"

alias sniperes	"sensitivity 5;bind r sniper2x;echo Sniper reset!;wave 3"

// misc

bind F12 	"screenshot"

bind * 		"sky1"

alias sky1 	"sky black;radiogender female;bind * sky2"

alias sky2 	"sky bluesky;radiogender female;bind * sky1"

bind . 		+awaylag

alias +awaylag	"set cl_maxfps 10"

alias -awaylag	"set cl_maxfps 40"

// some sets

set cl_vwep 	"1"

set rate 	"8000"

set cl_maxfps 	"40"

set skin 	"male/nut"

set name 	"The Butler *OH*"

set m_pitch 	"0.022"

set hand 	"0"

set cl_run 	"1"

set crosshair 	"1"

set sensitivity "5"

set freelook 	"1"

set gender_auto "0"

set gender 	"female"

set gl_polyblend "0"

// Stuff

set vid_ref "gl"

set intensity "2"

set gl_3dlabs_broken "1"

set gl_swapinterval "1"

set gl_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"

set gl_ext_pointparameters "1"

set gl_ext_multitexture "1"

set gl_ext_swapinterval "1"

set gl_vertex_arrays "0"

set gl_jpg_quality "85"

set gl_contrans "0.75"

set gl_texturesolidmode "default"

set gl_texturealphamode "default"

set gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"

set gl_shadows "1"

set gl_modulate "3"

set gl_particle_att_c "0.01"

set gl_particle_att_b "0.0"

set gl_particle_att_a "0.01"

set gl_particle_size "40"

set gl_particle_max_size "40"

set gl_particle_min_size "2"

set gl_finish "0"

set gl_ext_palettedtexture "1"

set gl_mode "8"

set gl_driver "opengl32"

set in_joystick "0"

set m_xp "1"

set in_mouse "1"

set cl_vwep "1"

set gender_auto "0"

set gender "female"

set fov "90"

set rate "8000"

set cl_railtrail "0"

set freelook "1"

set fullscreen "1"

//bind / "exec char.cfg"

exec OH2.cfg

Code: Select all

bind f2		"radioteam enemyd;say_team The butler did it! - %K -"

//bind f2		"radioteam enemyd; say_team %K didn't eat his groente van Hax!"

bind f3		"radioteam treport;say_team Someone need another drink?"

bind f4		"radioteam reportin;say_team Still serving drinks! [ %L - %W - %H]"

bind f5		"radioteam 10;wait;wait;radioteam 4;say_team Yes, sir!"

bind f6		"radioteam 9;say_team No, sir!"

bind f7		"radioteam taking_f;say_team HELP ME?!?!?!?! [ $loc_here ];"

bind f8		"OH"

alias OH OH1;

alias OH1	"say ************ Only Human ************;OH2"

alias OH2	"say ** **;OH3"

alias OH3	"say ****** *****;OH4"

alias OH4	"say *********** #only_human ************;"

bind UPARROW	"radioteam up;say_team Sir, I saw one of them UP!"

bind DOWNARROW	"radioteam down;say_team Sir, I saw one of them DOWN!"

bind LEFTARROW	"radioteam left;say_team Sir, I saw one of them LEFT!"

bind RIGHTARROW	"radioteam right;say_team Sir, I saw one of them RIGHT!"

bind KP_5	"radioteam go;say_team Sir, we can move out!"

bind KP_DOWNARROW "radioteam back;say_team Sir, stay back!"

bind 1		"say_team 1; radioteam 1"

bind 2		"say_team 2; radioteam 2"

bind 3		"say_team 3; radioteam 3"

bind 4		"say_team 4; radioteam 4"

bind 5		"say_team 5; radioteam 5"

bind 6		"say_team 6; radioteam 6"

bind 7		"say_team 7; radioteam 7"

bind 8		"say_team 8; radioteam 8"

bind 9		"say_team 9; radioteam 9"

bind x		"say_team Sir, go finish %P of: %D hit!;radioteam 7"

blew up
Posts: 199
Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2003 7:53 pm
Location: w_

Post by Hawaii »

Code: Select all

// generated by quake, do not modify

bind TAB "inven"

bind ENTER "invuse"

bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"

bind SPACE "+moveup"

bind ' "wave 0"

bind + "sizeup"

bind , "wave 1"

bind - "use m3 super 90 assault shotgun"

bind . "cut; stop"

bind / "sniper"

bind 0 "screenshotjpg"

bind 1 "radioteam 10; radioteam 4 ; say_team Yep"

bind 2 "radioteam enemyd; say_team You suck [%K]"

bind 3 "radioteam treport; say_team Team? "

bind 4 "radioteam im_hit; say_team Woei that hurts [%H]"

bind 5 "radioteam reportin; say_team Dont worry im here! :P"

bind 6 "radioteam teamdown; say_team oh no, =("

bind 7 "radioteam 9; say_team No!"

bind 8 "exec headshot.cfg"

bind 9 "voice authority.wav"

bind = "q8)"

bind U "Independent Warriors ; #iwarriors @ quakenet; Visit us!"

bind [ "invprev"

bind \ "+mlook"

bind ] "invnext"

bind ` "toggleconsole"

bind a "+moveleft"

bind b "8>"

bind c "teleporter recall"

bind d "+moveright"

bind e "weapnext"

bind f "bandage; wait; bandage; wait; bandage; wait; bandage; wait; bandage; bind mouse2 sniper"

bind g "drop weapon; use combat knife"

bind h "radioteam 1; say_team -[1]-"

bind i "5-25"

bind j "radioteam 2"

bind k "radioteam 3"

bind l "radioteam enemyd"

bind m "=("

bind n "B>"

bind o "radioteam 6"

bind p "radioteam 8"

bind q "opendoor"

bind r "reload"

bind s "+back"

bind t "say_team C0v3r M3!!!; radioteam cover"

bind u "noclip"

bind v "=)"

bind w "+forward"

bind x "score"

bind y "messagemode2"

bind z "use Handcannon; use m3 super 90 assault shotgun; use mp5/10 submachinegun; use sniper rifle; use m4 assault rifle"

bind ~ "toggleconsole"

bind BACKSPACE "drop item"

bind UPARROW "radioteam forward; Say_TEAM %T Go forward>!"

bind DOWNARROW "radioteam back; say_team Hou je bek %T"

bind LEFTARROW "radioteam left; say_team - [ Left ] -"

bind RIGHTARROW "radioteam right; say_team %T They are right of us watch out>!!!"

bind ALT "+movedown"

bind CTRL "sensitivity 5; -attack; bind mouse2 sniper; echo sniper reset"

bind SHIFT "weapon ; weapon ; weapon"

bind F1 "sensitivity 10"

bind F2 "hand 3; radiogender female; cl_maxfps 150; skydistance 5000"

bind F3 "crosshair 1"

bind F4 bind mouse2 weapon

bind F5 "say_team [weapon: M4] [Item: Kevlar Vest]"

bind F6 "say_team [Weapon: Sniper Rifle] - [Item: Kevlar]"

bind F7 "punch"

bind F8 "screenshotjpg"

bind F9 "Q2ACE - Q2 Anti-Cheat-Edition v1.21"

bind F10 "timerefresh"

bind F11 "sv removebot Amstermonkey; sv removebot John"

bind F12 "teleporter set"

bind INS "+klook"

bind DEL "radioteam enemys; say_team Camp is back [ %L ]"

bind PGDN "radio down ;say_team Enemy(s) are Down!"

bind PGUP "radio up ;say_team Enemy(s) are Up!"

bind HOME "radioteam go; say_team There's nothing to be afraid of"

bind END "raioteam 3; radioteam 2; radioteam 1; radioteam go; radioteam go; Go Atack them NOW..."

bind KP_INS "+moveup"

bind KP_MINUS "quick1a"

bind MWHEELDOWN "drop weapon; use combat knife"

bind MWHEELUP "weapnext"

bind MOUSE1 "+attack"

bind MOUSE2 "weapon"

bind MOUSE3 "drop item"

bind PAUSE "pause"

set msg "1"

set cl_drawfps "0"

set g_select_empty "0"

set cl_vwep "1"

set gender_auto "0"

set gender "m"

set fov "90"

set adr8 ""

set sv_reconnect_limit "15"

set allow_download_maps "1"

set allow_download_sounds "0"

set allow_download_models "1"

set allow_download_players "1"

set allow_download "1"

set hostname "<GDI> Public/CW server #1"

set vid_ref "gl"

set vid_xpos "46"

set vid_ypos "106"

set vid_gamma "0.500000"

set sw_stipplealpha "0"

set s_volume "0.100000"

set s_khz "22"

set s_loadas8bit "0"

set s_mixahead ".2"

set s_primary "0"

set cd_nocd "0"

set adr0 ""

set adr1 ""

set adr2 ""

set adr3 ""

set adr4 ""

set adr5 ""

set adr6 ""

set adr7 ""

set cl_stereo_separation "0.4"

set freelook "1"

set rate "10000"

set in_mouse "1"

set in_joystick "0"

set gl_driver "opengl32"

set gl_mode "7"

set gl_ext_palettedtexture "0"

set gl_finish "1"

set gl_particle_min_size "2"

set gl_particle_max_size "30"

set gl_particle_size "30"

set gl_particle_att_a "0.01"

set gl_particle_att_b "0.0"

set gl_particle_att_c "0.01"

set gl_modulate "3.99"

set gl_shadows "0"

set gl_texturemode "gl_linear_mipmap_nearest"

set gl_texturealphamode "default"

set gl_texturesolidmode "default"

set gl_vertex_arrays "0"

set gl_ext_swapinterval "0"

set gl_ext_multitexture "0"

set gl_ext_pointparameters "1"

set gl_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"

set gl_swapinterval "0"

set gl_3dlabs_broken "1"

set net_port "0"

set netgraph "0"

set cl_draw_x "0"

set cl_draw_y "0.8"

set cl_drawchathud "0"

set cl_drawtime "0"

set cl_drawrate "0"

set cl_drawping "0"

set cl_railtrail "0"

set cl_railtrail_color "0"

set cl_highlight "1"

set m_xp "1"

set skin "terror/skyterr"

set name "Hawaii"

set lookstrafe "1"

set lookspring "1"

set m_pitch "0.022000"

set hand "3"

set cl_run "1"

set crosshair "1"

set sensitivity "10"

set win_noalttab "0"

set vid_fullscreen "1"

set viewsize "100"

Mario pwns yo ass so dont fuck with this guy!!!
something dur dur
Posts: 2616
Joined: Fri Jul 25, 2003 8:56 am
Location: nl

Post by Den »

Code: Select all

bind F9 "Q2ACE - Q2 Anti-Cheat-Edition v1.21" 

lol hawaii?
There's a chopper coming in 3 days and there's a katana on top of the cafe and that's all you need to know
blew up
Posts: 199
Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2003 7:53 pm
Location: w_

Post by Hawaii »

aint my config :P its morti's
Mario pwns yo ass so dont fuck with this guy!!!
was picked off
Posts: 1163
Joined: Sun Jul 27, 2003 1:30 pm
Location: nl

Post by Da^JuaN »

bind F11 "sv removebot Amstermonkey; sv removebot John"

? :)

ltk bots?
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