Code: Select all
SELECT [Registros Consulta].Apellido_Paterno, [Registros Consulta].Apellido_Materno, [Registros Consulta].Nombres, [Registros Consulta].Ingreso, [Registros Consulta].Salida, DateDiff("d",[Registros Consulta].Ingreso, [Registros Consulta].Salida) AS Dias, DateDiff("m",[Registros Consulta].Ingreso, [Registros Consulta].Salida) AS Meses, DateDiff("yyyy",[Registros Consulta].Ingreso, [Registros Consulta].Salida) AS Años
FROM [Registros Consulta];
[Registros Consulta].Ingreso and [Registros Consulta].Salida
join date exit date
In my firecompany, we have an order , older to young, calculated in base of the time, that you have in the company, but you can join and exit many times and is necesary recalculate the time that you serve, and we have awards, for 10 20 30 40 50 60 and this year 70 years serving in the compañy, and this ystem is very usefull for recalculate it.
If some one never exit, then is neccesart using the actual date
Thx very much