Scary Movies

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Scary Movies

Post by Flunx »

This is a common question.

But what is the most scary movie you've ever seen? Me, NuFan, noVa and SNiK were talking yesterday about scary movies and which was the scariest we've ever seen. We all agreed that it was JU-ON (aka The Grudge). JU-ON is in the same style as The Ring, only better.

But it left us wondering if JU-ON really is as scary as they come. Is there some rules that says you can't make too scary movies? Or are there superscary movies out there that no one has heard of?

JU-ON Trailer:

What are the scariest movie you've ever seen? Share the horror with us! We need to be frightened!

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Post by ToMMics »

the ring was really hard.

the cell was also weird.

darkness falls was strange too.

for me its not the oldskool horror. its that psycho shit that scares me in combination with horror elements.

there are really sick movies.
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Post by Winball »

That blair witch project thingy =)
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Post by mirror »

bah, the cell isn't that scary :)

once when i was like 11 i watched some horror film @pay tv which scared me like until i was .. 14.. dunno if it still would scare me, also because i cant remember the name of the film :/

blairwitch was nice.

the thingy that frightened me the most was this jackass film.. when they cut themselves with this sheet of paper... omg that's the worst thing i've ever seen :? winded it away immediately.

Post by Blizzeh »

nice topic ! I love scary/horror movies! :D

The scariest movie I ever saw (sofar) is Juon 2.. I saw it in a Japanese cinema on holiday. Still gives me goosebumps whenever I think of it or hear the horror sounds (sounds made by using your throat in a special way, sound really freaky) So ya.. Juon 2 is definitely my most scariest movie at this time. :)

check out the trailer to find out what "sound" that is.
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Post by Flunx »

Cool blizzeh! I haven't seen JU-ON 2 yet. Have you seen JU-ON 1? Is the sequel scarier?

I've also seen the low budget version of JU-ON. But it wasn't as scary as the 'good' one.

I've also read that they will make an American JU-ON version which will feature Shara Michelle Geller (AKA Buffy). After the sucess of The Ring. Just hope they don't screw it up.

So aren't there anybody out there who knows of scarier movie than the JU-ON movies? Come on! I need more!
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Post by Jazzie »

Scary Movies makes me vomit.

Psychological thrillers though, are really neat. Such as Silence of the Lambs/Hannibal/Red Dragon series with Anthony Hopkins, it's brilliant.
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Post by seb »

The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra

Trailer: ... _skeleton/

now thats some scary stuff
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Post by Repsaj »

[offtopic] ur avatar rulezzzzzzzz seb :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :D /[offtopic]

Post by Blizzeh »

hm no, I haven't seen the first part of Juon.. *sigh*

But I loved the second part though.. + it was all in Japanese.. hard to understand if you don't know any Japanese.. but the movie being soooo scary just makes you forget about the Japanese.:) You can follow the movie quite good without even knowing the language.

It was a big hype in Japan that movie + it's definitely worth it to watch it! Been looking on the internet for a while now.. but can't find it anywhere to download it.

I'm not really positive about a remake of the movie.. even if buffy plays in it... I would be wondering when the vampires show up! The original is always better.

People say that "The Ring" was way better in the original Japanese/Chinese than in the Hollywood version - I think they are right though I haven't seen the original yet.

So ya.. I wonder if there are more of that sort movies around. It isn't really bloody, or messed up. But those "scary" movies have a nice story to stick to your chair with fear all over you untill the end. :D
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Post by Sovnig »

I saw IT when I was like 10... Clowns still scare me, so it's definately the most scary film for me.

Though I think other people would find it a bit tame when watching it now, since there's so many more scary movies out there 8)
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Post by dudemcpek »

Where could I get Jo-un? Now that u said it's so scary I really wanna watch it.. :?
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Post by Flunx »

I also thought that the original 'The Ring' was the scariest. But that may have something to do with the fact that I saw the original first so that I knew the plot in the remake.

I've got two versions of JU-ON (DVDrips/DivX). A lowbudget Japanese and the 'real' JU-ON which you can see the trailer for on the link I pasted in my first post.

I've also got all 'The Ring' movies. Love that kind of scary movies.
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Post by Wolfeh »

I dont think movies are scary, i've seen alot tho. try out the movie from the lead singer of cradle of filth, "cradle of fear", it's a great "gore" horror movie, but a bit low-budget but funny enough. Horror movies makes me laugh! :D
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Post by Hirchart »

cradle of fear is crap O_o

I dont like gore horror, its funny indeed, but if you wanna laugh go watch a comedy movie. Ofcourse gore that wont scare you, may-b it makes puke, I don't know, but psychologic-horror/thrillers, those are more scary, not gore. In sixth sence, when the balloon does "bang" at the lamp, you don't expect that :P you just see balloon, nice red balloon, BANG! :shocker: That really shocked me :P
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