Movie: WTF is AQ2?

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Post by Zonic »

Ok this was one of the best gaming movies I've seen in a long time.
Not because of the fancy editing, nor the choise of frags.

This movie put a big smile on my face, I enjoyed it alot! The choise of music was brilliant.

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Post by Falzzi »

Where where the "crazy trickjumps" ? I didn't see any. Some more unique frags would be nice , not just some m4 and ssg headshots. Nice movie thou, and i hope you'll continue makin movies.

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Post by Haudrauf »

More frags in a row please!! Single headshots with sniperrifle are already "normal" :)
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agrees with haui

Post by maGro »

hard to say, but haui is right :D

Skill is mowing down ppl in a row. Thousands! THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!!

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Post by Meist0r »

Well, I know that these jumps and frags are not more than normal for skilled aq2 players -> with the demos i had, i could show something better -> though my movie wasnt made 4 this small audience only, as the name says - what the fuck is aq2 -> it should be more a aq2 tribute video, presenting the mod the whole computer gaming community...
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Post by emu »

cheef wrote:EXCELLENT!


Kribba is sad because he isnt on the movie
whahhhahaah :)
its more like "yes im in the movie" from you :(
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Post by Jazzie »

Meist0r wrote:Well, I know that these jumps and frags are not more than normal for skilled aq2 players -> with the demos i had, i could show something better -> though my movie wasnt made 4 this small audience only, as the name says - what the f#ck is aq2 -> it should be more a aq2 tribute video, presenting the mod the whole computer gaming community...
what i keep wondering about is why you insist to use arrows instead of punctuation marks.
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Post by Meist0r »

The arrows are representing the movement of my thoughts (:
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Post by cheef »

deathmasterslashassassin wrote:
cheef wrote:EXCELLENT!


Kribba is sad because he isnt on the movie
whahhhahaah :)
its more like "yes im in the movie" from you :(
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Post by FairyB »

Well, I haven't done any movies so far, but I think it isn't so rude to critisize this, is it?

First of all, you need some good demos, not just something semi-nice-looking shooting with your mates. You need really curving and speedy jumps, and I can say, please, take them some other cameraposition (was that the right word, wasn't it?), 'cause that way taken they just look lame, and I can't catch how player are moving and doing those strafejumps.
And more to the jumping thing: Don't use so short clips, how long it's that better it's. And, it would be better that you just take some not-so-played map and go on with that. Fresh and tricky jumps are thing of the day. Those jumps in your video, well, I've seen those so many times I can hang myself.

But that's notting, keep doing, keep fraggin' and jumpin'!

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Post by Dimmo »

The thing is that combining trick jumping and frags in same movie isnt recommendable.
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Post by n99 »

The thing is, actually, someone taking the time to learn how to to edit demo's and sequence them cannot be held accountable if he uses his own, right-at-his-fingertips, not all that EXCELLENT material. This doesn't mean this particular creator cannot be better skillwise, or that he couldn't have included other material. This is not someone making a movie about how great a fragger he is, it is someone showcasing his first try at a movie from material he had in arm's reach. You lot try figuring this movie-making thing out and releasing something here and I'll have a laugh okay? It is a good thing someone is willing to cut his own, admittingly not too '1337' (note the symbols before and after the word please) demo's and show it to other people. It takes brains, it takes effort, and most importantely, it takes GUTS.
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Post by PanConLonga »

well... u r right, but if u want to learn u have to read all comments to do it better next time..... It`s allways helpful to know what sucked in your movie :D
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Post by osiris »

i think it's a good movie to show other people what aq is. and as the title says that is its intention. so he did quite a good job in my opinion. :hop:
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Post by Dimmo »

n99 wrote:You lot try figuring this movie-making thing out and releasing something here and I'll have a laugh okay?
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