how do you search/query q2 servers?
i like the adr0-adr9 variables because i can easiely join a server in_game. problem is that i want to query more then 10 servers...
I didn't get the last post, but it is "The All-Seeing Eye".
There you can search (and directly join) to Quake II servers and a lot of different games.
Download it, install it, configure it, browse quake2 and connect.
Hope it helps, if not, MSN, ICQ or IRC are very good options.
All-Seeing Eye DOES even find servers that are not listed on master-servers because the users of ASE are adding servers to their client and thus adding them to the ASE-server-list for other users as well.
does it find the various quake2 servers around that aren´t listet on official master servers?
Yes, ASE does not depend on old-fashioned masterservers but still likely has ALL! servers available.
If you want to stick with masterservers, there's a quake2-master located at (std-port)... and if you want to have nightly compiled list of aq2-servers only, have a look at