(21) Kusken/Alminat0r

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Post by WizardExt »

i totally agree
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Post by Jackium »

Well what we've got here:

peep whining about how lames fins are (as always).

Kusken/alminator/whatever shot few wierd shots, he was recorded, demos what put in aq2worlds forum where people can see those by theirselves.

Suddently sC and alien are cheaters and all fins are using frkq2/other 'not allowed' clients.

Hawk putting only few parts of our conversation and again fins are 'f0kin moron lamerz'

Cheat accuses went about 50/50 (fin vs swe) or seems so.

What the fuck is the point of this anymore, anyone can make their own decissions so why keep this flaming on? :sleep:

ps. peep c'mon, this couldn't been all you have on your mind, maybe make own column for him where he can flame all the people he hates.
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Post by Jackium »

Forgot, can people tell what the fuck is so lame to put demos/avis on here if someone plays suspiciously and he want't others opinions aswell his own, just write yes/no and leave that other shit and flaming away. Over and out.
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Post by Samislide »

It's exactly these kinds of threads that are funneh to read, everyone whines like never befor when someone does something someother cant. It only shows what a damn crybaby someone is. Some action, yay \o/

Just simply ignore it if u dun like it.. whiners

I understand both stories here. It may look like cheat if you dont know better, and when someone is playing in a local clan with some "nevahhuurd of-nick" and does something like this It's even more obvious to you.. And then when the realnick is discovered it becomes something big in some eyes. In this case there isnt even a cheat :P

You guys should know better.. You do got some years of experience and so on..
Last edited by Samislide on Tue Dec 07, 2004 3:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jazzie »

I would grade this thread 3.5/5 for the moment. It needs more emu.
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Post by MadWolf »

Ok, does Alm cheat? Don't think so, these kind of swings are indeed pretty common what I've seen. eX is a master of these :) And that pistol was just pure luck.

[OFFTOPIC=read at your own risk]
And concerning of the rest of this thread just makes me sick, this hasn't anything to do with sC/clients/fin-swe-peoples. Let's just focus on the original post (Does Alminat0r cheat or not) If you haven't got anything wise to post, don't post at all.

It's pretty unbelievable how things like this explodes:
- Omg, Kusken cheats!
- Ooooh his in -kfl! Fukcing kfl bastards whiners cheaters!
- Fukcing swe people, cheater whiner !!! Stfu demos plzzzz, omg limchase 2 whiiiine

- Fucking FIN people, LAME APRQ2 users!
- Omg sC xiit!!"¤¤#!""
- Omg sweetus cheater!

...it's sad that we can't live in peace and harmony. Tried to get an cw yesterday, challenged about 10 clans, 50% said that we are whiners/cheaters, 25% said no due to mm3, 25% said no due to rooftops. And it sure doesn't help if someone starts to talk shit about us when I'm trying to get a cw, why don't you let them be the judge of that if we are whiners or not. (wink wink alien) :(
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Post by emu »

hahahahahaha am i reading this ? how many years you played aq2 now nemesis ? 5-6 ? and you regard THAT as a cheat ? makes me laugh ? did you lose or something ? bitter ? or where u struck by retardness ?

Shit like that happen, get on with your life. Its just stupid to accuse someone when you have that little proof. If he was cheating you would se it throughout the whole cw ?

and the "yoyo u r childish i just accuse yoyo" shit is just retarded. god.

and for Marl and Jack, you guys are doing the same as us in kfl \ clutch. we say against u, cuz alminator is our friend (and hes cleaner then u guys, irl alteast) and you support Captain Shit4brains. hooraaah.

and n99, shut the fuck up didn't you say you where to commit suicide or something ? i allready opened the champagne.
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Post by Samislide »

*rolling on the floor laughing* Mr.problem-solver has arrived!
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Post by angra »

n99 wrote:he asks whether u agree or not. Simply say yes, no
Last edited by angra on Tue Dec 07, 2004 3:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Tactics »

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Post by Alien »

Like I posted to aq2suomi forum:

I don't think that is a cheat, could be if there would be more shots, but a few shots won't prove anything.

Pistol shot is pure luck and sniper shot is swing.

Cheaters [ ]
Whiners [x]

Simply: Yes or no = no

and emu, did you lost against us or why you whined :shocker:

asok kot pot kot kot AMMUUUUUU :m00: :m00: :m00:
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Post by aka »

The strange thing about sC is that they obviously use nocheat when they don't play vs us. And when they do play vs us they wanna play with "original"...uhm hum
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Post by angra »

Alien wrote:kfl:
Cheaters [ ]
Whiners [x]
Ofcourse they will whine if one off there teammates gets accused off cheating, wouldn't you?
}i{ angra - #clan.illusion
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Post by kaaos »

As I said earlier, it's amusing how you can turn "iD accuses of player X cheating" into a ".fi vs rest" thread. As if all Finns would back iD's opinions up.
aka wrote:It's a local clan....something alot of finnish guys play in :P
peep wrote:hail blue vex :hail:
he's got a reasonable arguement.. maybe that's because he's not .fi :scratch:
peep wrote:lyl.. fins seems to be accusing everyone nowadays and everyone's accusing them.. or what do you say touppi? well.. if you come from a country who either plays with aprq2, frkq2 and/or even the original q2 client you gotta be one lame little :pork:
Hawk wrote:[21:54:52] <hawk`> kfl
[21:55:04] <Jackium> nope you are shitlisted
[21:55:19] <hawk`> oh, why is that?
[21:55:46] <hawk`> if i may ask
[21:59:14] <Jackium> sure
[22:01:24] <hawk`> can i have an answer?
[22:04:10] <Jackium> guess coz almins case

omg? :D you fins crack me up
peep wrote:lyl imeiz.. why don't you run along to you're little aq2suomi forum where you always talk shit about every non-fi player in you're retarded language so no one will understand what you're saying..

i would say that the majority of the rest of scandinavia (.fi excluded) uses some sort of anti-cheat client.. foremost NC. i've seen some obsolete q2ace clientes here and there..
And to that peep's last comment I'm pretty sure that the majority of Finnish players use NoCheat. I have a lot of friends that use Q2ACE but mostly because they're too lazy to change to another and they really don't care if somebody thinks they cheat or not.
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Post by Moose »

voi my god
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