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Post by NRGizeR »

1) Most maps actually have ok gameplay once you actually play them enough to find out about it.

2) Maps would need a shitload of playtesting before you could actually see where the action is concentrated, what routes people use and so on, and only then could you actually improve the gameplay. The mappers that haven't done this playtesting (including myself) either get lucky when making their maps, or have a really good eye for gameplay (like f.ex. pauhi imo) Most of us can't gather enough a team to playtest very well I think, and it's also something that is overlooked quite a bit, and I can guarantee you that cloud wasn't playtested more than 3 minutes before release...

3) I would like to make good looking maps over good gameplay maps anyday... of course my aim is to make a map that is good in both fields, but the reason I make maps are to make a "world" not to make a legobrick map that has three brushes and three textures. I make maps because they are fun to build... and I don't think it would be acceptable to release something that didn't look good... that's the easy fix anyway...

4) lets take rooftops for example, I've never made a map for any game that have gotten as much shit, from all sorts of people, most people think it looks ok, but I've met lots of people that hate it and refuse to play it. Then again, it's also the map that has gotten the most praise when it comes to gameplay. The ones that know the map, loves it, and the ones that don't hate it. That's the general trend at least... I interpret this as the fact that people don't want to give a map a chance that they can't "own" in right away... if you have another idea, I would be very interested in hearing it....

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Post by emu »

thanx pauhi and ngrgizer for seing my point atleast. but ur not totaly grasping what im saying. you guys are just pumping out to many "good looking" maps.
im not saying "hey go fuckyourself" for doing it but some self cirtisism wouldn't hurt every now and then. and no Pauhi i havn't and i'll try it as soon as im done whining on here :)

and for beavisss, your attitude is just what makes your map what they are. You cant take critisism, try taking some and maby some of your really awesome looking maps could get more then looks. im not saying im a big map creater, and if u cant take critisism you should stop making them.
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Post by sCrewFace »

Which server is running all the new maps? Cuz i would really like to play there.. BT is boring everybody wants to play old maps..
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Post by Beavisss »

"and for beavisss, your attitude is just what makes your map what they are."

My attitude? Your attitude, you came here and started to say shit about all new maps without even testing them in a single cw. WTF dood? Why are you even talking about my attitude?
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Post by Skretch »


too much wow, eh? -.-
iN skre
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Post by fuct »

emu dont take this wrong but your full of often are new maps played on servers?!?! if ever maybe 5 out of 20 (20% lmao :D)....out with the old and in with the can bet your ass that when teamjungle came out people were sayin oh the gameplay is shit.....when maps are released it takes time to figure out where to go and what to do.....thats where the gameplay comes cant play a map for 5 mins and say the gameplay is shit...even for 20 mins
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Post by pauhi »

sCrewFace wrote:Which server is running all the new maps? Cuz i would really like to play there.. BT is boring everybody wants to play old maps..
›› pauhi ››
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Post by V34 »

Dude. Beavisss' maps have a lot of team play and jumps. I like them. And is it just me or isn't it a little lame to post a post about maps without played CW on them?

Just what i think. :hop:
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Post by Beavisss »

V34 wrote:Dude. Beavisss' maps have a lot of team play and jumps. I like them. And is it just me or isn't it a little lame to post a post about maps without played CW on them?

Just what i think. :hop:
/me hugs V34
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